Al-Hekma & ATTA

Introduction to Al-Hekma “Atta Hub”

Al-Hekma Retirees Society is working on implementing an ambitious national project. The project’s aim is to support the income of retirees and help them improve their standard of living, in addition to providing various services to all retirees in the Kingdom of Bahrain and their families. In fulfilment of its social responsibility and its belief in the importance of raising the standard of living of this group of the population, the Society has worked tirelessly since its establishment to achieve its noble goals through many initiatives. Al-Hekma has recently decided to benefit from advances in technology and the expertise of IT professionals in helping achieve its ambitious social goals by implementing a pioneering reward scheme to benefit members of Al-Hekma Society and the public.

To this end, the Society entered into a contract with Atta for Supporting Technologies W.L.L to implement the project. Atta is a local company specialized in the development and management of electronic and digital services. Atta will implement the advanced technological project and thus help the Society in achieving its future vision for the participation of the private sector and government agencies in the project.

The success of the project largely depends on the cooperation of and coordination with government agencies and institutions, banks, companies, retail outlets and healthcare facilities. The Society hopes that this project will result in providing many facilities, benefits and discounts for retirees.

Established in 1991

Established in 2019

Introduction to “Atta for Supporting Technologies W.L.L”

Atta is a company incorporated on 2 July 2019, Atta comprises a unique team of multi-disciplinary experts that endeavors to bring New Technologies with all the benefits that come with them, keeping in mind all types of users, whether they are selling or consuming, Atta focuses primarily on providing services to retirees and all other sectors of society. whether they are in the banking, operators, or Government sectors. Atta’s team’s positive multi-discipline efforts are based on experience in industries/services, governments, aiming globally but mainly at countries of the GCC for practical life and people.

Atta is coming in Fintech Bay to integrate decades-long Fintech development with recognized results achieved by Atta’s team in different disciplines and continents to project their symbiosis in the field of Fintech for the benefit of all participants.

By means of state-of-the-art technologies and techniques like cloud processing, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Social Networks, Blockchain, processing of Regtech and Atta’s multi-disciplinary knowledge, experience and results (some of them patent-pending) Atta will bring on the Fintech Bay stage its New Quality Mobile Financial Solutions (MFS) products such as Super-loyalty, Smart vouchers, IoT services, social services, while supporting entities from personal and SME to country and international levels, and others.

Atta is determined to initiate New Quality relationships, mainly between customers and businesses, boost effectiveness, increase profits, support socializing within different communities, boost GDP and increase the economy’s performance, resulting overall in helping with the country’s development for the benefit of the people.

Our Values

We shall use new advanced scientific, technology and market opportunities including Patents to achieve success in all fields. The main values applied in all parts of ours activities towards both internal and external objects will be: 

·                     State-of-the-arts and Professional excellence

·                     Positive goals and ways of achieving them

·                     Ethics, Moral and Fairness.